30-Week Update

30 weeks along—only 10 or so to go!
When I feel her move around I can sort of understand—in an abstract way—when people say they “enjoy” being pregnant. It’s neat to have a relationship with her that nobody else can have and it kinda makes me feel more connected to my own mom. And it makes me think of all the moms going back in time, not to get mystical or weird about it.
But that’s about 0.001% of the time and the rest of the time pretty much sucks. 🙂 I’ve got really terrible restless leg syndrome that makes it hard to get comfortable at night—including when I just wanna watch some dang TV—and I have trouble falling asleep. When I do finally fall asleep I wake up soon after for no reason. I brought up the sleep thing with my doc and she was basically like, “you’re pregnant. tough nuts. try magnesium” and I gotta tell you: MAGNESIUM DOESN’T DO SHIT
Plus there’s the foot cramps, heartburn, and going to the bathroom to pee every 5 minutes. And I do mean pee only. No poop. Ever. Magnesium is also supposed to help with that, and again I say: magnesium (literally) doesn’t do shit.
I admit I am enjoying the excuse to not do stuff. I’m taking a break from dance* and my workouts are just 20-minute dumbbell circuits that I refer to as “courtesy workouts.” Technically I’m not on a progression except to the extent my own body is bigger and heavier each time I work out. 🙂 Other than that I’ve been walking a lot more, which has been nice. I try to make it out to Centennial Park at least once a week.
*I started dancing 17 years ago and basically never stopped. I admit I sometimes wondered how much I was dancing because I still enjoyed it and how much was because it was so deeply woven into my life and I just didn’t know how life would be without it. Well, now I have a chance to find out! And I gotta say it feels pretty liberating. I suspect I’ll return to dance—how could I not teach my own daughter to dance?! how cute!—but in a much more casual way. Teaching and event production can suck the fun out of anything.