Cooking & Baking

Napoleon Pastry

Sally’s baking challenge for this month is mille feuille/Napoleon pastry, and it was indeed a challenge. Precision is not my strong suit so between measuring and cutting the pastry into “identically sized” squares and piping “consistent” custard plops, I was basically in Hell. 😆 But I think I did ok, and they taste great!

I’ve made pudding before but not custard actually I think this is pastry cream. I don’t even know. Anyway, I’ve seen enough Chopped fails that I managed to avoid making scrambled eggs. The custard/cream turned out great if I may say so, maybe because I used farm fresh eggs–my boss keeps chickens and brings in the extra eggs. (I was proud of my restraint when she asked if I’d be interested in eggs because what I said was “yeah, that’d be great” when what I was thinking was “GIBS ME DEM EGGS!!!11”)

The recipe says you can use store-bought pastry but huhughuhohoho (that was me laughing like an old British gentleman). I made it from scratch (first time). It also turned out pretty well!

It took all damn day, but that was mostly because both the pastry and the custard need to sit in the fridge for a while. That said, I don’t think I would bother making this again lol

Photo thoughts: this photo is awful. I am learning that you really can’t do food photos in the Shotbox, which is really intended for product photography. I appreciate that I tried to do a multi-level thing here but it just looks stupid lmao.