Honey Syrup: Gold Rush, Bee’s Knees
I was searching around about sours and found out about the Gold Rush, a whiskey sour with honey syrup instead of simple syrup. Similarly, the Bee’s Knees is…sort of a Gimlet: gin, lemon juice, honey syrup. Gimlets are usually made with lime juice so maybe not a perfect swap.
Gold Rush: tasted the same as a regular whiskey sour to me but I have the palate of a small child.
Bee’s Knees: 10/10 can’t believe I enjoy a gin drink.
You make honey syrup the same way you make simple syrup: equal parts honey and water, heat until dissolved, cool, et voila.
Right now I am drinking a Gold Rush with a red wine float but only because I ran out of simple syrup. So it’s a New York Sour with honey syrup. East Coast Gold Rush? Did I just invent a new cocktail that basically tastes identical to an existing cocktail?
Bren says I should call it a Rockefeller Sour, which sounds perfect.