Cocktail Roundup: Gimlets

Classic Gimlet: gin and house-made lime cordial. I’m not sure how it differs from gin, simple syrup, and lime juice other than the cordial is just one thing and the other things are two things?
I found a couple different recipes for the lime cordial. Some guy on r/cocktails suggested putting cardamom in it, so I did. But I can’t really detect it. Another recipe I found suggested adding citric acid to make the lime lime-ier. I didn’t have any sitting around so I just made it without. I do wish it was more tart, so I guess the citric acid is not really optional. Next time I make this (10 months from now because the recipe yielded quite a bit) I’ll double the cardamom and include the citric acid.

Cucumber gimlet, with cucumbers fresh from a coworker’s garden. Went great with my homemade tzatziki, pita, and turkey kofta. Not a typical Monday night but I had to use up the cucumbers and things spiraled out of control

On this episode of Impulse Buy Something at the Farmer’s Market and Figure Out What to Do With it Later: lemon thyme zucchini muffins (hugely popular with babies) and lemon thyme gimlet.

Last weekend I tried the Incognito cocktail at @patapsco_distilling–JP Gin, lime, sugar, and mint. I tried recreating it and got pretty close, but I forgot to muddle the mint and should have. This is suspiciously similar to a Southside but shhhh.
(Southside is kind of a minty gimlet)