RP Challenge 2022
After the baby we basically lived on freezer chicken and freezer casseroles brought to us by our wonderful friends. I gave no thought to what I was eating because I really didn’t give much thought to anything that wasn’t figuring out how to handle a newborn.
In October-ish I went on an “easy cut,” meaning I tried to watch what I ate but was still pretty chill about it. I lost about 8lbs…and then gained it all back over the holidays. 🙂
RP did their annual New Year’s challenge, which seemed like a good a time as any to go on a “real cut.” We had Chinese for dinner on December 21, 2021 and on January 1, 2022, I started my 12-week cut.

I lost like 15 pounds in 2 months and then spend the last month trying to cut the last 5. I DID get very, very tired towards the end—having an infant in the house didn’t help—but I made it all 12 weeks and hit my stretch goal of 20 pounds.
This is going to sound CRAZY but I actually kind of like cutting—since I have to stay on plan, it makes it easier for me to just say no to everything. Maintenance can be a little more difficult for me because there’s wiggle room and that sometimes leads to overindulging.
That said, I’m glad to have a break. It is psychologically taxing after a while and I definitely started to feel my workouts lagging due to being so low carb. I’ll stay on maintenance for at least 12 weeks and then maybe do another, smaller cut—I’ll have to think a little about my physique goals. My body comp is different than when I was around this weight before—I’m a little fattier. So I’ll spend the next 12 weeks just workin’ on mah muscles and then see where I am.