She’s here!
I woke up around 2am on July 26 with what felt like really bad menstrual cramps. I timed them and found that they were regular but not intense—I was able to go back to sleep. I woke up later in the morning still feeling crampy. I called my OBGYN and they gave me the 5-1-1 spiel (5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, for at least 1 hour) and I definitely didn’t qualify at that point.
My original due date was July 29 and I had originally planned to work until then but then decided to take that whole week off. I was really glad I did! To try and distract myself I watched the entire season of Darcey & Stacey on TLC, a 90 Day Fiance spin-off that I didn’t expect to get sucked into. 😛 I tried to nap when I could.
In the evening the cramps started to get really bad but I didn’t have the back pain that a lot of people report so I still wasn’t sure what was happening. I called the OBGYN again who told me I would have trouble talking or walking if they were true contractions, and I was still talking, so…
A couple hours later they were bad enough that I was ~pretty sure~ they were real, although they were not consistently 5 minutes apart (anywhere from 5 to 8). Bren called the OBGYN on my behalf who still sort of tried to deter us. She said we could come and they could check me out or we could keep waiting until I couldn’t talk (?? she was really hung up on that). Funnily enough she said that just as I had a cramp (now I know it was a contraction) that prevented me from answering her. So we went in.
Turns out I was already 6cm!!! So yes, definitely active labor, even though I only experienced it in my abdomen and not my back. I randomly threw up in the examination room, which luckily was just a one-and-done.
BTW—after I delivered the midwife brought me my file and asked me if the information was correct because my race was listed as Black. I had indeed reviewed that paperwork but somehow missed that mistake (my job info was also incorrect so something got mixed up in the file). So, that should give you an idea of the intensity of the pain. I basically couldn’t read.
Between the intake, labwork, etc, it took another couple hours to get the epidural. I was sort of annoyed because I could have had it 2 hours earlier before things got really bad. But once I got it, everything was OK. From what I understand epidurals can make labor last longer but honestly after a few months of restless legs and getting up to pee every 45 seconds, laying in a bed with numb legs and a bladder catheter was pretty much my dearest dream. I loved it. 😛
I can’t say we got a lot of sleep although we did exist with our eyes closed for a good portion of the night; by 6am or so they said my contractions were irregular so they rolled me over in case the baby was in a bad position. Around 7ish they broke my water for me and it was still another few hours until it was time to push.
When I did push, it only took like half an hour. I know the nurses have to act like every mom is the most amazing, every baby is the cutest, etc, but Bren and I did get the sense that they were genuinely impressed by the pushing. They said it’s not uncommon for first time moms to push for up to 4 hours (!!!). I guess my 17 years of belly dancing + powerlifting has been good for something. 😉
She was born at 10:34 on July 27, 21 inches and 10lbs 5oz. She was wayyyy off the 8lbs 11oz estimate at my last ultrasound. Nobody was expecting her to be so big. The other big surprise was that she was blonde! When we imagined what she’d look like we all agreed she’d come out with dark hair (if any). It’s likely to turn brown over time but for now she’s a cute lil blondie.
Because of her size they had to check her blood sugar every few hours for the first 12 hours which sucked because they had to do a heel prick each time. 🙁 But her sugars looked good and all other tests/exams went well so they discharged us the next day.
Now we have a baby. Like, we’re somebody’s parents. What the heck!?
We brought her home in the same outfit that I came home in when I was born. First photo! So chonky