I’ve been out of the scene for *cough cough* years so I’ve been looking around to see what’s what with art journaling, blogging, and generally
I sure do a lot of stuff on the internet for somebody who brags so much about her inferiority complex. 🙂
I had a fun experience at the dentist today. It was just a regular cleaning but at some point I started to feel very faint—to
I would give myself a C+ on my social media reduction plan. I keep cheating, although I definitely don’t tune in as often. Part of
The journal was a result of messing around with my gelli plate (which, frankly, I still don’t quite know how to use). I did the
Tsh Oxenreider, in one of her “5 Quick Things” newsletters, mentioned that she had gotten into the habit of uninstalling Instagram and reinstalling it once