Personal Life


From a spontaneous lunch date with Mom, something I wouldn’t be able to do if my schedule was as packed as it used to be

I would give myself a C+ on my social media reduction plan. I keep cheating, although I definitely don’t tune in as often. Part of the issue is I find myself with nothing to do and no desire to find anything to do, and social media is the perfect “I’m doing something but not doing something” drug.

I do find it a little distressing that I can’t/won’t find alternate activities but I suspect part of me just wants to rest and enjoy these last few months before the baby arrives because after that I’ll have PLENTY to do. 🙂 Being pregnant is also sapping my energy and willpower in general. I am still able to do the things I must do (e.g., my job) so I think it’s OK to let the optional stuff slide a little. I’m just trying really hard to be OK with being unproductive. The irony is scrolling on my phone somehow feels “more like something” even though it definitely is not.

What makes a good life anyway? Is it being “productive”? Productive at what? Taking time to do things you enjoy with people you love sounds pretty good. In fact, I used to be so “productive” that I hardly had time to hang out with my family because I always had some sort of conflict. That whole thing was torpedoed by the pandemmy and I am hoping to hold onto it. It’s actually been pretty great, and the silver lining of this whole situation.