Bujo, Journaling

November Monthly Page

I didn’t like checking off habits on the October page, so this time I decided to try a little color coding. I used the hexagon stencil I see so many other people use that I find so very pleasing to look at. Of course 15 seconds after I drew everything I realized I had no space for a legend, so that’s what that awkward paste-in card is. I “decorated” it with the Toddler Sticker Method where I just randomly put stickers on it. There is no rhyme, reason, or theme. You can also see my liberal use of white-out. The important thing is that… I’m journaling? Is that important? LOL

This month the weekly is literally just a list of things I’m doing that week. Not even worth taking a photo of. I like the ~idea~ of a fancy weekly set up, but it’s just overkill for me at this point. My schedule is pretty routine/repetitive, so there isn’t much I have to remember. 🙂