Bujo, Journaling

October Monthly Page

I like watching people set up their monthly spreads in their journals. Seeing how organized other people are makes me feel like I’m in control of my own life somehow.

I used to have time for elaborate journaling. Right now, I’m in a season of my life where my monthly spread is basically IT’S FUKEN OCTEMBER. Also, please note, I am not even getting around to publishing this until mid-October, lulz.

Quick calendar, a few semi-optional goals/projects, habit trackers, and big monthly tasks (different than goals because they are one-and-dones).

The main difference this month is I have a weekly (not pictured) where I decide what specifically I’m going to do in the morning (like, the specific workout I’m going to do) and what I’m going to do in the evening (what specific book I’m going to read). When/if I have any free time, I often find myself just short-circuiting because I can’t decide what to do. So now I just decide ahead of time.