Pan de Santa Teresa

In honor of my girl St. Teresa of Avila’s feast day, I made the Pan de Santa Teresa from Cooking with the Saints. A “first cousin to French Toast,” you make this bread by simmering the milk with a cinnamon stick and lemon peel before pouring it over the bread; then you coat in egg and fry. Delicious!
Food photography practice: I originally had a lighter plate, but realized I was losing the contrast. I probably shouldn’t have used so much powdered sugar (and I should have cleaned up the stuff that fell on the table cloth). I actually like the coolness of the photo; it makes me feel like I’m eating breakfast on the deck on a cool morning (incidentally, I took this photo on my deck on a cool morning). I like the apples in there for a little color and interest. The book is too close to the plate and the little bowl and spoon are too far—this imbalance is even more apparent when you crop to 1:1 for insta. But I did remember to create a loop swoop on the spoon.